About Us

JTASYER LAW FIRM was founded in December 2015 by two lawyers sharing the same commitment and objective of establishing a legal practice together. We believe that professionalism, attentiveness and integrity are the key elements in meeting the needs of clients in significant areas of the laws.

We developed a unique law firm, with ample experience in providing legal services to a variety of domestic and foreign clients having to do with issues concerning regulations, contracts, procurement and business development. We became not only a law firm dealing with theory and regulations, but also in giving advices within the perspective of business and operational issues. In so doing, we were taken into the confidence of not only by international and national companies, but also by international law firm to jointly undertake sizeable legal projects. Our reliable team offers exceptional expertise across energy & project-based core sectors. Our deep business development & operational awareness ensures our clients receive insightful advice to facilitate decision-making. In an effort to support development of national talent, we played a role by giving tens of legal training sessions (pro bono) to law school students and candidate advocate.

We have experienced in supporting foreign and domestic companies in large, intermediate, and small-scale projects State Owned Enterprise, such as PT PLN (PERSERO), PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, PT Pertamina EP, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, and Regional Owned Enterprise.

Among the projects that we have been involved in :

  • Assisting client on a tender process, gasification program for diesel power plant, and hydrogen development program.
  • Providing legal opinion regarding, issue/dispute may arise in performance of the contract/agreement.
  • potential risks, cooperation plan, related regulation or policy, business strategy in accordance with applicable regulation.
  • Performing legal due diligence.
  • Preparing and reviewing contracts, such as Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contracts, Joint Operating.
  • Agreements, Crude Sales Agreements, Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements, Facility Sharing.
  • Agreements, Farm in Agreements, Engineering/ Procurement/ Construction / Installation Agreements.
  • Seismic/ drilling/ vessel/ fixed wing agreements, Principle of Agreement for the field development of Liquid.
  • Natural Gas, Cooperation Operation (KSO) Agreement, Technical Assistance Contract, Enhanced Production.
  • Cooperation Agreement, Old Wells Work-over Contracts, Gas or LNG Sales Agreement, Gas Transportation.
  • Agreements, Partnership Agreements, Power Purchase Agreement, Coal Purchase Agreement, Electricity.
  • Supply Agreement, Time Charter Party, and other contracts in accordance with the need of our clients.
  • Representing and assisting client in a contract negotiation all the above type of agreement.
  • Assisting clients in corporate actions i.a. merger and acquisition, and General Meeting of Shareholder.
  • Providing legal services to investment funds and investment companies, such as conducting regulation or legal due diligence, assisting the establishment of business or legal entity, assisting in dissolution or liquidation process.
  • Representing Client in a dispute resolution either before arbitration tribunal and Indonesia National Court.
  • Assisting clients to conduct a workshop, seminar, or focus group discussion to support clients position in a draft of law and regulation.
  • Representing or assisting clients to coordinate and make good communication with counterparts, law enforcement officers i.e: Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi), the Audit Board (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan) or other government/relevant agencies in accordance with the need of our clients.
  • Assisting client as a creditor in suspension of debt payment obligation (Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang PKPU)
  • Assisting client to negotiate with their employees regarding industrial relations dispute and also representing client before Industrial Relations Dispute Court.
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